photosauraus rex: Looking forward to 2016....
jeff.white18: escape
Kasia Derwinska: where time stops
Eduardo Estéllez: Garganta San Gregorio 031216-9841
Thomas Vanderheyden: La soldanelle Des Alpes
wildlifelynn: Common Poppy DSC_2196
tobias-eger: suncup
Paul B0udreau: Your Mood is Summer Cool
johnsteelephoto: Autumn Watercolor
bmse: Come back here!
Chrisnaton: into the blue
anhbg: Waterfall
eramos_ca: A New Day
Michele Villafranca.: Ophrys tenthredinifera.
A_Peach: Joyous
Jacqueline ter Haar: - Autumn 2015 -
Rick Whitacre: Portal and Meteor
Bellatchitchi: Camouflage raté ...
alancowper: Loch An Eilein (and a duck)
Américo Meira: procuro mais um dia
John Medcraft: White-crested Tyrannulet (Serpophaga subcristata)
FRANcisco /: PORTO railway station
kenny barker: Floating on cloud 9