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albums of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung–New York Office
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Indigenous Women at CSW67
Step by Step, Feeling the Ground: Transatlantic Left Dialogue and Internationalism in Our Time
Achieving the Possible: A Middle East WMD Free Zone
Peace & Planet International Conference: The Fierce Urgency of Now
PAH Delegation to New York City
Black History Month Film Series
Bertolt Brecht’s PAPER WAR Exile in America 1941-1947
Right to the City Roundtable 2019
"We are the People" Event Series
Creating A Trinational Workers Toolkit
Land, Water, Food & Housing - A Local2Global Grassroots Political Forum
Rosa Goes Pride
63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women 2019
The German Revolution of 1918/19 - 100 Years Later
COP24: The UN Climate Summit in Katowice
Exhibition "Rosa Luxemburg: A Thousand More Things"
"I Was, I Am, I Will Be": Historical Legacy and Contemporary Relevance of Rosa Luxemburg
"The NSU Monologues": A Performance by Actors for Human Rights
Tri-national Labor Gathering
Sports and Politics Conference
Fernando Haddad in New York
Fall Housing Work, RLS-NYC
RLS-NYC Director Handover Week
South by South Bronx: Housing as A Human Right in South Bronx and Atlanta
Two Minutes to Midnight
Climate Change and Just Transition
Left Forum 2018
The Young Karl Marx
Rosa Luxemburg and Her Ideas
Indigenous Women Leaders Delegation #UNPFII
Black Radicalism in the United States
Congressional Progressive Caucus Strategy Summit
Empowering Rural Women and Girls #CSW62
From the Populist Right to Nazi Terrorism
#Marx200: Beyond Social Democracy and Communism
The PyeongChang Winter Olympics
Rethinking the UN Security Council: A Book Launch
Best of 2017
Right to the City Roundtable in Hamburg
American Empire: From Obama to Trump
RLS–NYC at COP23 in Bonn
AfroSocialism 101
Uptown Thursday Night: Shaun King and Bill Fletcher Jr.
Tri-national Labor Gathering on NAFTA
The American Perception of the Russian Revolution
RLS Climate Strategy Workshop: Linking the Red and the Green
Towards Participatory Budgeting in Jackson, MS
Festival of Solidarity: Living Together
150 Years of Marx's Capital
Global Platform for the Right to the City
Democratic Socialism 101
Strategies Against the Far Right - A Stony Point Retreat
RLS–NYC at the Left Forum 2017
Thuringia's Governor Bodo Ramelow in the US
Voices of Indigenous Women Leaders at the UN
Labor's Agenda on Energy & Climate Change
UN Conference to Ban Nuclear Weapons
Labour MP Jon Trickett on the Left after Brexit
Advancing Women's Economic Rights at CSW61
Rosa Luxemburg Film Screening with Barbara Sukowa
#NotMyPresident Weekend
Best of 2016
A Trump World Order?
Right to the City Roundtable 2016
A Labor Activists' Cross-Border Exchange
RLS–NYC at COP22 in Marrakech
History of the Jews in the GDR
Habitat III: A United Nations Housing Conference
Building Civic Engagement in Low-Income Communities
Corporate Responsibility & the UN
Fanon Revisited
Rosa Remix: Book Launch & Reception
RLS at the World Social Forum 2016
RLS–NYC at the Left Forum 2016
Indigenous Women Against Climate Change
North American Social Solidarity Forum
BRICS and the City: How Grand Projects Reshape Urban Geography
Advancing Women's Rights at the Commission on the Status of Women
Sanders, Trump & Co: Speaking Tour Across Germany
The Greece of the Caribbean? Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis
Building on Bernie: What Comes Next
RLS–NYC in 2015
RLS–NYC at the COP21 in Paris
Global Labor Solidarity from the Ground Up
Polanyi's Vision of a Socialist Transformation
Gregor Gysi - The Battle over Europe's Future
UN Special Rapporteur Housing Roundtable
Alternative Housing, Alternative Future
ROSA REMIX: New Takes on a Longtime Classic
Trade Union Climate Summit
Asian Workers take on Walmart
The Fight Against Austerity & the New European Left
Our Panels at the Left Forum 2015
Indigenous Women Engaging the UN
CSW: International Activists at the Commission on the Status of Women
I <3 MALCOLM - A Legacy of Love and Liberation
Planet of the Oceans - Environment and Society on the Rest of the Planet - Jan 30-31
The Struggle for Economic Democracy
Can SYRIZA Break with Austerity?
Best of 2014
Labor Solidarity Across Borders: A Union Organizers’ Trinational Exchange
Global Convergences: Strategies against Evictions & Displacement
Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Critical Commemoration 25 Years After
Fighting Displacement: A Transatlantic Roundtable - Oct 20-22
Freeing Public Transport
The Politics of Energy: Oil and Beyond?
International Labor at the People's Climate March
Mapping Socialist Strategies
Low-Wage Labor Organizing in Mexico
RLS–NYC at the Left Forum 2014
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
United Nations NPT PrepCom & Conference on the Centenary of WWI
Jackson Rising
Work is Worth More: The Minimum Wage in the U.S. and E.U.
Born this Way? The Radical Legacy of Magnus Hirschfeld and the Fight for LGBT Equality - March 18
Indigenous Women at the UN Commission of the Status of Women March 10-13, 2014
New Directions in Feminism
Five Ring Fever - The Sochi Games and Celebration Capitalism - Feb 4, 6:30pm - NYC
RLS–NYC in 2013
Adventures in Radical Theory + Practice
Trinational Perspectives on Labor - The State of Labor 20 Years after NAFTA - Dec. 2-3 - L.A., CA
Right to the City Transatlantic Roundtable
Black Montreal: Hotbed of Radicalism in the Sixties - Nov. 18 - RLS–NYC
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
Urban Convergences: Housing Justice, Left Governments, and Lessons from the Global South
Rosa Luxemburg's Accumulation of Capital at 100
How I Found My Berlin in Jewish Manhattan
Teach Radical, Part 5: Using Media to Teach for Change
Freedom '63 Remixed
Teach Radical, Part IV: Teaching Theory beyond the University
Teach Radical, Part III: Building Movements through Alternative Education Spaces
Dirty Wars, presented by RLS−NYC: June 12, 2013
RLS-NYC at the Left Forum: June 7-9, 2013
The Future of the Left: A Conversation on Socialist Unity - June 5, 2013
Justice for Genocide - May 2013
Teach Radical, Part II: Agitating for Better Public Schools
Supporting Indigenous Women Leaders at the UNPFII
Teach Radical, Part 1: Educating for Community Power
Capitalism, Inequality, and Democracy - April 2013
Pirate Party and the Left - Feb 5, 2013
Office Opening - November 2012
Rosa Luxemburg Gallery