theframeteller: Abbondanza Crono 1985
theframeteller: Abbondanza 1985
theframeteller: Abbondanza 1985
theframeteller: 392_fot4a_borgo
theframeteller: 227_foto_2_orio_marchand
Velo Classique: Shop wall.
Numerius: Dosi, `92
bobbiker: A piece of butted steerer slotted with a hack saw slightly larger than a Campy brake pad.
ste.ferrara: IMG_20160104_145232
ste.ferrara: IMG_20160104_145341
theframeteller: Dosi road bike frame 90s
theframeteller: Bianchi Centenario
Fame & Spear.: Simon's Tommasini.
ikan-bilis: DSC_1061-2
John Watson / The Radavist: Beautiful Bicycle: Ben's Tommasini MAX Road
willgoodan: Tommasini Infrared Super Prestige SLX
willgoodan: Tommasini Infrared Super Prestige SLX
Fame & Spear.: Simon's Tommasini.
Fame & Spear.: Simon's Tommasini.
Stache69: Tommasini 1982
bancopeter: Tommasini
goretex972: Gloria Garibaldina Extra 1947
kurtsj00: DSC_0331 Torpado sport bike 1953 - Mike Barry
kurtsj00: DSC_0330 Torpado sport bike 1953 - Mike Barry
kurtsj00: DSC_0322 Paglianti city bike 1945 - Mike Barry
kurtsj00: DSC_0260 Behringer with Pino fork decal 1972
kurtsj00: DSC_0047 Baylis - Colnago Super