ronsipherd: 8485 Flowering aloe
ronsipherd: 8423 Daisies
ronsipherd: 8037 White camellia
ronsipherd: 8456 Red camellia
ronsipherd: 8432 Pieris (Andromeda) cluster
ronsipherd: 8113 Pittosporum in spring
ronsipherd: 8475 Magnolia flower
ronsipherd: 8458 Yellow rhododendron
ronsipherd: 8444 Big magnolia flower
ronsipherd: 8448 Magnolia branch and buds
ronsipherd: 8092 Rhododendron and sky
ronsipherd: 8417 Field of daisies
ronsipherd: 8429 Pieris (Andromeda)
ronsipherd: 7920 Camellia bud
ronsipherd: 8236 Flowering currant
ronsipherd: 8059 Quince flowers
ronsipherd: 7843 Orange bougainvillea
ronsipherd: 8072 Garrya elliptica
ronsipherd: 8079 Camellia bud
ronsipherd: 8411 Pale rose
ronsipherd: 8403 Euonymus
ronsipherd: 7857 Azaleas in the sun
ronsipherd: 8194 Camellias present and future
ronsipherd: 8153 Pink rhododendron
ronsipherd: 8271 Plum blossoms
ronsipherd: 8242 Flowering currant
ronsipherd: 8205 Moss loves rain
ronsipherd: 8140 Pink rose, Hillcrest Road
ronsipherd: 8144Garrya elliptica (Silktassel)
ronsipherd: 8215 Arbutus ("Strawberry tree") flowers