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ronbo: Daddy/Daughter Gaming
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ronbo: This guy
ronbo: Are you kidding me? Another 1 point #fantasyfootball loss. Boooo! #fantasyfootball2013
ronbo: Winner winner chicken dinner w/ @saunjune @SnoopifyApp #Snoopify
ronbo: So arrogant
ronbo: Who do I see about repairing the bolts in my neck?
ronbo: Freddie K!
ronbo: Rust IS a color at #rebelriot
ronbo: Okay, new favorite food truck is @lumpiaworld - Island Mac w/Spam FTW
ronbo: Trying out Tacoma's version of the #cronut; the doughsant™
ronbo: Steam Summer sale is killing my wallet.
ronbo: I love going to Seafood City. It's like a trip to the PI without the jet lag.
ronbo: Cheap Egyptian razor blades. What could possibly go wrong?
ronbo: Hooray! My #fitbit survived laundry nite. Bonus: The trip through the washer & dryer gave me >3,000 steps.
ronbo: Visiting Greg and Stacey while doing a loop around Olympic Penninsula
ronbo: Mother (to be) Goose at 3 weeks. Can't wait to see the goslings.
ronbo: Thinking this goose in the parking lot may be hiding a golden egg.
ronbo: Unforeseen consequence of the free Seattle's Best coffee at work. (Also, coffee jitters, blurred vision and I constantly hear my pulse in my ears.) #donotcare #notajunkie
ronbo: Slick! Apparently I've come into a bit of unexpected money. #seemslegit
ronbo: A free Big Wheel Stunt Show show? Yes please!
ronbo: I've really got to get to the dentist.