lies59: Reiger.
hamrtje: DSCF4669.jpg
hamrtje: DSCF1191.jpg
SkyBlue Photography Pro: NDSM Amsterdam
Hans Kalf: Taxi ride
Hans Kalf: John dressed with modern Middle Age like ruff
Hans Kalf: Lisa met kraag
hamrtje: _MG_8800.jpg
hamrtje: _MG_3255.jpg
hamrtje: _MG_3091.jpg
Theodor Hensolt: drunken cowboys
emmstitch: Angkor
strobist: Grand Central Underpass, New York City
FilippoMarchi: Shopping at Cavalli's
hamrtje: _MG_2118.jpg
hamrtje: _MG_2095.jpg
SkyBlue Photography Pro: Florence Duomo IMG_8684
SkyBlue Photography Pro: Florence IMG_8708
Hans Kalf: Marseille, Quai des Belges
Hans Kalf: Money wallet
a.cadore: X100-07-25-12--508
B I M A: Medan Baru
B I M A: Old man selling that action man with parachute stuff.