Ron de Vera: AS Walk
Ron de Vera: Touchdown Manila!
Ron de Vera: Last sunset in Myanmar
Ron de Vera: Threesome in Bagan!
Ron de Vera: I just can't get enough of ASC's winning logo design! :D #acscapf2014 @aseansogie #ASEANtoo
Ron de Vera: Proud of my logo! (But not the font, haha)
Ron de Vera: "I know it's me that's supposed to love you And when I'm home you know I got you Is there somebody who can love you? Is there somebody who can watch you?"
Ron de Vera: "I'll run away with your foot steps I'll build a city that dreams for two And if you lose yourself I will find you" ~Find You, Zedd
Ron de Vera: You had me at 'Free Foot Massage.' I <3 you Changi Airport.
Ron de Vera: Ok, 5 hour lay over in Singapore starts now!
Ron de Vera: Happy Fiesta!
Ron de Vera: Walang kasawa-sawa!
Ron de Vera: upload
Ron de Vera: I am a "her" for the nth time. :p
Ron de Vera: Gettup and feed me!
Ron de Vera: Seafoooooood!
Ron de Vera: Singha!
Ron de Vera: upload
Ron de Vera: sometimes you catch a moment by the neck and everything you did and didn't do for love for yourself everything he did and didn't say for you for himself everything that changed your life for the worse for the better every chance you took or ignored e
Ron de Vera: Who needs a date when I have a new book?
Ron de Vera: Three words: ANG. SA. RAP.
Ron de Vera: Congrats to Ellyn and Ira! Ü #octovow6
Ron de Vera: "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights"
Ron de Vera: Hearts
Ron de Vera: Miniature Face
Ron de Vera: Creepy Crawly
Ron de Vera: Creepy Crawly