romeo'smom: happy St. Roch day!
romeo'smom: hmmm...i could knock lots of stuff over with this thing!
romeo'smom: step away from the baguette, lady!
romeo'smom: yummy stuff!
romeo'smom: this is so not funny
romeo'smom: you're gonna pay for this one!
romeo'smom: too much cherry wine
romeo'smom: the king is NOT happy
romeo'smom: cherries all around
romeo'smom: we've missed everyone!
romeo'smom: 12 steps of flickr addiction
romeo'smom: summertime summertime sum-sum-summertime
romeo'smom: serious g-force!
romeo'smom: wanna see my gums?
romeo'smom: crazy dog!
romeo'smom: i'm king of the world!
romeo'smom: ridin' along in my automobile
romeo'smom: is this what it's like to ride a rollercoaster?!
romeo'smom: ladies and gentlemen...may i have your attention please...
romeo'smom: Americana puppy
romeo'smom: hellllllp!
romeo'smom: "you and you're silly hats!"
romeo'smom: thinking about hot dogs
romeo'smom: posing puppy
romeo'smom: yankee doodle dandy dally
romeo'smom: tucker carlson puppy
romeo'smom: whassat?!