Phasmomantis: Female Crab Spider - Misumena vatia
AchimOWL: Taubenschwänzchen (Macroglossum stellatarum) an Blauem Natternkopf (Echium vulgare)
koen_jacobs: the returned
denisbin: Cumnock. NSW. The impressive red brick towered Amaroo Shire Council Offices (1911).
skizo39: La Nascita di Venere
Phasmomantis: Greylag Goose - Anser anser
FotoGrazio: In first light
Manuel Barroso: Flamingos
dbs1953: The Old Mill in North Little Rock,Arkansas
albert.herbigneaux1: Couleuvre à collier, Grass snake
Monsare: IMG_0748_2019.JPG
Chiew L: Tempting fate
Chiew L: Tempting fate. Lightroom-936
cnmark: Deejo "37g" Ebony
Manuel Barroso: Speed (Anas platyrhynchos)
Manuel Barroso: Swallowtail butterfly - borboleta-cauda-de-andorinha (Papilio machaon)
Manuel Barroso: Dama dama - Gamo
AchimOWL: Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo) im dichten Geäst
cpenotgiraudeau: Chardonnerets. Goldfinches.
skizo39: snow owl__collage
Manuel Barroso: Spiral staircase - Escada em caracol
jeanjoyerot: Orges dans le vent
Aurélien B.: Looking at life
elizzzzza67: Peinture fraîche Festival 2019
jeanjoyerot: Sous la neige, série, (7)
enneafive: Morning Meadow