Rola Kh: I love you #uptown ❤
Rola Kh: #Congratulations cousin ❤
Rola Kh: My new collection of Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: Antibacteria from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: Antibacteria from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: Antibacteria from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: collection of antibacterias from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: collection of antibacterias from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: collection of lotions and shower gels from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: collection of lotions and shower gels from Bath and Body Works !
Rola Kh: princess cupcakes !
Rola Kh: cupcakes !
Rola Kh: princess cupcakes !
Rola Kh: princess cupcakes !
Rola Kh: cupcakes !
Rola Kh: elegance ..
Rola Kh: pureness ..
Rola Kh: just white ..
Rola Kh: whats more beautiful than a red rose <3 !!
Rola Kh: who doesn't like flowers?! ..
Rola Kh: #me #working in the #lab =)
Rola Kh: #baby #pillow ❤>> #handmade by @hatoonzt
Rola Kh: #morning #breakfast at #uptown! =)
Rola Kh: Finally!! My #kitkat and #mandms #cake !
Rola Kh: Loading ...
Rola Kh: Tea Wedding ;)
Rola Kh: #coffee #machine
Rola Kh: #paul #Jeddah
Rola Kh: The Waiter..
Rola Kh: #ChocolatFondant