ProfClaytonTX: 14 APR 2018 - NSSC14 (1a of 2) - Rob Jones & Eric Garza of Mondo
ProfClaytonTX: 22 SEPT 2018 - #ISC18LX (1 of 2) - "Sketchnoting in the School" with Karin Perry and Holly Weimar
ProfClaytonTX: 08 NOV 2018 - World Usability Day #wudsa18 (2 of 4) - "Building Usability Superpowers with Listening" with Frank Duran of USAA
ProfClaytonTX: nldc-2019-11-anderson
ProfClaytonTX: MLCV 2021 - 2.5 - Joseph Nayquonabe Jr.
ProfClaytonTX: “Breaking the Laws of Leadership” a Workshop by Karith Foster
ProfClaytonTX: mlcv-2022-02-James-sketchnote-talk
ProfClaytonTX: mlcv-2022-11-Laipply-sketchnote-talk
ProfClaytonTX: nldc-2022-08-schmit-v1
ProfClaytonTX: nldc-2022-07-nayquonabe-v1
ProfClaytonTX: "Turning SIGNALS into STORIES" by Garry Golden (MLCV 2023)
ProfClaytonTX: 04 JULY 2016 - Happy 240th Birthday USA!
ProfClaytonTX: 22 OCT 2016 - "Has Your Blog Become a Vampire?" by Garrett Heath at WordCamp San Antonio 2016
ProfClaytonTX: 28 OCT 2016 - NIST Sketchnote Meet-Up presents “Listening” hosted by Rob Dimeo
xLontrax: Chilling out in the garden while refining today’s workshop at #isc21be Today h11.00 CEST at @sketchnotecamp Sketchnote will change (and save) the World This is futile: I already know that the second I start my mind will goes blank 😂. No problem, it’s
xLontrax: For my first ever wheat paste experiment I choose a Maori motif. Everything is quite different is you work on a larger scale. I messed up a few times (as usual 😂) #wheatpaste #maoridrawing #pencildraft
maccymacx: #Sketchnotes from ScoViz An Evening with Mike Rohde
xLontrax: Toc toc. “Who is it?”. “A six pack”. “Is it beer?”. “No, Ideabooks!”. . . Thank you @rohdesign and @airshipnotebooks ! #sketchnoteideabook #notebook
Rob Dimeo: Hatching for sketchnotes
Rob Dimeo: Scientific Sketchnotes: What's the big deal?
maccymacx: UX in the city: Manchester 2018 'Sketchnoting UX' Cheat Sheet
maccymacx: #TodaysDoodle (No. 646) Plans for the perfect store bought Mince Pie (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: 365 #SNchallenge: January 2018
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes #EU4facts conference
playability_de: Graphic Recording: Day of Joint Professorships at TU Berlin - Thomas Wiegand
visuranto: StadtKunst-Protokoll
xLontrax: Day 19 - homework. The xLontrax framework. I tracked my activities with @rohdesign Daily Plan Bars, then I analyzed the data. Here is the result. . . It was an interesting experiment and surfaced an almost recursive pattern in my days. I tend to concentra
Luigi Mengato: IMG_9227
Luigi Mengato: 21768719_10214709881370613_4779834473604716280_o