HeatherGravesArtistry: -38/365 project - self portrait- The faeries are landing
HeatherGravesArtistry: -39/365 project - self portrait- Wine and Dine
HeatherGravesArtistry: Self Portrait- Collaboration with Valerie Soldate - Published in Giuseppina Magazine
Mister Blur: Space (EXPLORED)
A Million Shards of Light: Sunrise, through a Looking Glass of Melting Frost; Yorktown Heights, New York, United States of America; 12/17/14.
HeatherGravesArtistry: -30/365 project - self portrait- eye conversations
Mooney1908: IMG_4041
Mooney1908: IMG_4042
Mooney1908: IMG_4056
Mooney1908: IMG_4085
Mooney1908: IMG_4115
Mooney1908: IMG_4134
baldenbe (on/off): Lucky charm / Porte Bonheur
Axim2013: Night Life.
HeatherGravesArtistry: -24/365 Project- Self hate- Self Portrait
senipelita: Daun Labu 733
senipelita: Empangan Batu. 734
dougsooley: Sunset at Windansea
Fallowsite: Demi d'ouverture.
Fallowsite: Le culte des anciens.
alexdraco.com: Riding first class
sullen_snowflakes: "La bestia che gridò amore nel cuore del mondo."
Dan Hogman: Window - home sweet home - summary #sketch #dhsketch #architecture
michelleburt777: Nooooo......