Estudiante se mantiene firme mientras Policía Nacional Bolivariano agita spray de pimienta. / Student stays still while police officer shakes pepper spray can.
Policía Naciona Bolivariana ordena evitar el paso de estudiantes. / Government police officer orders to block the way of walking students.
Policía Naciona Bolivariana vigila concentración de estudiantes desde elevado. / Government police monitors students from above.
Hombre mantiene en alto nombres de estudiantes asesinados durante manifestaciones. / Man holds up to police officers the names of murdered students during recent protests.
Estudiante reclama a cordón policial el derecho a protestar pacíficamente. / Student demands to police line the right to peacefully protest.
"Usted no tiene derecho a llamarse Venezolano" grita mujer a cordón policial. / "You have no right to be called Venezuelan" yells woman to police officers.