rogerstryker: Easy start to another 365 project - great day 1... saw Interstellar, excellent science fiction, presently enjoying good football (Alabama/Ohio) #dnd365
rogerstryker: Day 2 and I'm already relying on my fall-back photo - oh well, testing out the new remote I got from Pam (high tech selfie) #dnd365
rogerstryker: Rain gone, beautiful day, cool evening - perfect fire weather (tomorrow night, 22°!) #dnd365
rogerstryker: Dying embers from the last fire of winter break... #dnd365
rogerstryker: In Austin, as of January 1, 2015, $500 fine for messing with your phone while driving... #dnd365
rogerstryker: Me and the plants watching "Seinfeld" (freezing weather living arrangement) #dnd365
rogerstryker: Olivia - makin' the scene up at school today... QT3.14! #dnd365
rogerstryker: DND365, January 8, 2009 - this is for yesterday, TBThursday - it was a Friday evening at the Austin Museum of Art (no longer exists), inspiring chair design exhibit! #dnd365
rogerstryker: Rockin' art socks I got for Christmas... #dnd365
rogerstryker: Relatively regular Saturday meeting of the minds - appreciate that, long before this, someone figured out the process of saccharification of starch and fermentation of the resulting sugar.
rogerstryker: 50% off on all road trips! Wish we could take advantage... #dnd365
rogerstryker: Last night, unit 2 decided it no longer wanted to be a heater... damn #dnd365
rogerstryker: Night kitchen flash...
rogerstryker: And I'm gone... #dnd365
rogerstryker: Crosswalk chaos - beautiful afternoon! #dnd365
rogerstryker: Sunny AND warm- what a deal! #dnd365
rogerstryker: Quality time with Stitch... #dnd365
rogerstryker: Starbucks is my friend - road trip back from OKC #dnd365
rogerstryker: Heading to a happy hour, we stopped to look at Austin from a long way away (360 Overlook) #dnd365
rogerstryker: The horizontal asymptote is y=0. #dnd365
rogerstryker: Evening computer time after a long day
rogerstryker: 2 yrs ago, uneventful #dnd365 toilet Tuesday - today not much happened again #dnd365 #timehop
rogerstryker: Beer and solving the problems of the world with Don #dnd365
rogerstryker: Start of my day.. choir event at our new performing arts center #dnd365
rogerstryker: Parker and I, mugging for the camera... his mug apparently required more movement #dnd365
rogerstryker: So, one year ago, a Sunday, I had much more fun than I had today... #timehop #dnd365
rogerstryker: Meet Farley, the newest member of our family - Pam's got another man in her life!
rogerstryker: Couched up for the Super Bowl with Owen and Dave - the man made some kick ass ribs!
rogerstryker: I will be attending the next Texas Roller Derby bout with the Holy Rollers and Coach Kelli... good fun! #dnd365