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rogerstryker: 3 of the 4 generations of Stryker girls
rogerstryker: Darden Smith show... low-key & mellow - life is good
rogerstryker: Farley letting me know he wants to cross the street...
rogerstryker: Last week's pre-trim shot - on the way to Petsmart
rogerstryker: Evening walk with Farley
rogerstryker: Memory from yesterday's March for Science - we're in there (look for the hat with a peace sign)
rogerstryker: Brisket Frito Pie... after a great science march!
rogerstryker: On the way to lunch...
rogerstryker: Sunny spring morning...
rogerstryker: Thanks for sharing, Dave! Sweet memory from last weekend :-)
rogerstryker: Saturday sittin' with Farley
rogerstryker: Drug store museum stop in Guthrie, OK...
rogerstryker: I swear OKC is hip and happenin'!
rogerstryker: Nana and Penny time in Oklahoma - all good :-)
rogerstryker: Apparently this happened at a past happy hour (photo credit: Andrew)
rogerstryker: Strange Land for taste of their new IPA... good stuff!
rogerstryker: Sunday walk with Farley
rogerstryker: Testing out Strange Land's new IPA - good stuff...
rogerstryker: Preempted CBS Sunday with dire weather warnings, saved by CBSNews 30minute delay on AppleTV - Willie is my man!
rogerstryker: Enjoyed Kevin Russell supporting Chris Maxwell at the Cactus this evening
rogerstryker: Farley posing after a walk in a Pueblo CO park - life is good... (was in no hurry to get back in the car)
rogerstryker: It's as if the day is smiling back!
rogerstryker: Slowing down for spring break...
rogerstryker: Lizard death
rogerstryker: Pam and Farley sharing a moment