alainroyparis: DSC_3238 , Rue Daguerre ,Paris , 14 ème
tina negus: Montbretia
cookingwithray: transparencies from the 1990s
cookingwithray: transparencies from the 1970s
Black Swan Arts: Eleanor Bartlett - Tarnished Metal
Black Swan Arts: Eleanor Bartlett - Pitted Tar
maureen nathan: draw, draw as my grandsons like to say.
NYCDOT: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge: Poets on Brooklyn and Beyond
STML: New York
maureen nathan: make do and mend
bradman334: just balancing
bradman334: acrobatic light
bradman334: miro memorabilia
bradman334: just a miro doodle
bradman334: forked shadows
bradman334: bed with hypnos
bradman334: looming vesuvius
bradman334: miro sculpture garden
bradman334: sculpture on the edge
bradman334: miro silhouette
bradman334: medusa in the studio
bradman334: miro at work?
bradman334: up against it
bradman334: nymphaeum arch
bradman334: nyphaeum mosaic (reproduction)
bradman334: nymphaeum mosaic (original)
bradman334: buried pot
bradman334: more roman paving
bradman334: baths behind the wall
bradman334: it's a match