RogerJiang: Pineapple Mountain.
RogerJiang: 人算不如天算.
RogerJiang: 是福是禍.
RogerJiang: 農曆年, 都是我跟佛神最近的時侯.
RogerJiang: Don't leave me, Dear LuLu.
RogerJiang: Lu , 2013-12-12
RogerJiang: ^___^
RogerJiang: Finally I'm in PAI now!
RogerJiang: My Top One Taiwan beef noodle.
RogerJiang: 秧。
RogerJiang: Welcome to Love-HCM-IceCream Bus Stop!! Haha...
RogerJiang: Sometime I wish the time can stop.
RogerJiang: I don't know the name, but it win my heart already. 此物應僅天上有!
RogerJiang: HCM is a city of green.
RogerJiang: Hello!!! Ho Chi Minh!!!
RogerJiang: It's time to try defying gravity... , You will see me cry , haha
RogerJiang: I love tonight, wind music!!
RogerJiang: Let's WET!!
RogerJiang: Jump like a child!!!!
RogerJiang: Saint Honore L'amour , make me fall in love again.
RogerJiang: Fall in love with Lomokino.
RogerJiang: And I think to myself, what a wonderful "Marina Bay".
RogerJiang: Bad boy.
RogerJiang: "LET FAT COME" delicious.
RogerJiang: 好喜歡台中
RogerJiang: 你勉強說出你愛我的原因, 卻說不出你欣賞我哪一種表情.
RogerJiang: 你的好, 我真的懂.
RogerJiang: Each lamp, Each name, Each hope.
RogerJiang: I call her ONE DOLLAR GIRL, she and her father earn only one U.S. dollar if you take a photo with a big snake from her shoulder one time, Can't forget the sadness of her face since i rejected her by so afraid of animal like this.
RogerJiang: I call her ONE DOLLAR GIRL, she and her father earn only one U.S. dollar if you take a photo with a big snake from her shoulder one time, Can't forget the sadness of her face since i rejected her by so afraid of animal like this. When visit Cambodia , i