Dave 2x: Javan Munia (Lonchura leucogastroides)
Thomas Retterath: The framed church
Ian N. White: Needle-waisted Paper Wasps (Belonogaster)
leendert3: Stretching Egyptian Goose
Ian N. White: Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)
leendert3: Cape Buffalo
SivamDesign: Set Your Soul Free
images@twiston: Overflow
Thomas Retterath: Kalk Bay harbour
Thomas Retterath: Sunrise Kelp Gull
Brendon White: Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
mdunisk: Manja Vas
Brendon White: Arnot's Chat (Myrmecocichla arnotti)
Thomas Retterath: The magic of Mana
leendert3: Fresh Growth/New Life/Evolution
mdunisk: Manja Vas
images@twiston: Follow the line
Thomas Retterath: His majesty the king
images@twiston: Breakwater drama
BobLewis: White-throated Fantail 16A7852.jpg
leendert3: Serenity
Brendon White: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
images@twiston: The copse at dawn
Thomas Retterath: Sneaking in
Thomas Retterath: Sunset Elephant bull
Thomas Retterath: Calling all lions
Dave 2x: Hooded Plover (Charadrius cucullatus)
Thomas Retterath: Marabou sailing in
Sumarie Slabber: Aloe looking into the sun
Brendon White: Namib Dune Gecko (Pachydactylus rangei)