toldorknown: self_photo
toldorknown: Self Portrait
toldorknown: Talihina Sky
toldorknown: Go Fetch
toldorknown: Barks and Crafts
toldorknown: Nerding it up old school, courtesy Puppy McChewerson
toldorknown: Tuckered Tongue
toldorknown: Birthday Slumber party. Tell my wife I…never mind, it looks like she's done for, too.
toldorknown: State of the art e-reading, 5-1/2 years ago.
toldorknown: The sentries on Em's fort are of questionable vigilance.
toldorknown: "NO CHECKS NO CHECK" They aren't going to fall for any singular/plural semantic trickery here.
toldorknown: My gal found a Diet Pepsi at the Atlanta airport. We truly live in an age of miracles.
toldorknown: GPOYW - Airport Shuttle Edition
toldorknown: Yin-Yang
toldorknown: Old School Leg Warming Technology
toldorknown: No Filter Necessary
toldorknown: A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a conference for?
toldorknown: TV Truck? Apple's taking device convergence to a whole new level.
toldorknown: iSad Air
toldorknown: A shoe will do when you don't feel like jumping or being picked up. #spayed
toldorknown: Why do all my dogs think they're cats?
toldorknown: Come at me, bro.
toldorknown: Finally getting some shots of Her Royal Scruffiness with a camera that can actually see her.
toldorknown: Funny Faces
toldorknown: Some puppies are born to sisterhood, while others have it thrust upon them.
toldorknown: Lazy Sunday
toldorknown: Rescued from life on the street yesterday, and settling in fast. Female Terrier mixes FTW.
toldorknown: Wait to go out on a limb there, fortune cookie.
toldorknown: Cat-Dog Relaxing