Seth Patterson: Texas Spotted Whiptail
Thorpeland: Bird Woman Falls
Matt Anderson Photography: Wolf River Run #4 in BW
gimmeocean: Growing Up
Fay Stout: Leopard Frog (Thanks to Rocky for the ID)
Fay Stout: Got science?
Fay Stout: Rocky
mesquakie8: Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)
Matt Anderson Photography: Teton Afterglow
Paul Tymon: Harvest mouse
Diane Rocks 3.5 Million views. Thank you: Here's Looking at you Cliff
Quave: An intervention from above
Thorpeland: Another World
Appalachian Hiker: Bighorn Sheep - RMNP
kevansunderland: Baby Black Skimmer Talking To Egg
Salvatore Gigante Photography (New Jersey Newborn,: Tribute-in-light-World-Trade-Center-New-York-6
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: P1390880 2013-04-12 Indigo Bunting
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: P1080095 2012-04-15 Cattle Egret in breeding colors Whitetail Buck in Velvet
ac4photos.: Shrike ( Explore )
ac4photos.: Pretty Proud Parula
mesquakie8: Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)
ac4photos.: Olly Olly In Free... Whitetail Fawn - Wide Angle © Red Fox 052113-6074-W.jpg
Matt Anderson Photography: Jenny-Lake-Matt-Anderson