Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195347
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195355
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195402
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195414
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195420
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195427
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195438
Rocky Lines: IMG_20200723_195449
Rocky Lines: Tigger with our kitten. She was born last summer and has grown do much.
Rocky Lines: Me before surgery yesterday. I successfully made my wife laugh! Surgery at C5/6 and at C6/7 in hopes of getting rid of the pain in right hand fingers. I was not prepared for the pain I am in post surgery.
Rocky Lines: Me before surgery yesterday. I successfully made my wife laugh! Surgery at C5/6 and at C6/7 in hopes of getting rid of the pain in right hand fingers. I was not prepared for the pain I am in post surgery.