carlos jm: otoño leonés
Jeff Rogerson: Quebec City tilt shift
f minus: model manhatten
WatchinDworldGoBy: Tilt-Shift
*Yueh-Hua 2023: Tilt-shift Miniature Fake │Ching-Jing Farm
larigan.: Happy Miniature Sunday!
Dani℮l: Unchanging rural pleasures
Dani℮l: Nasty weather across the Channel
Tony Gálvez: Expo Zaragoza 2008
Gino: Otis sings his heart out
Quizz...: The world's male chivalry has perished out, but women are knights-errant to the last; and, if Cervantes had been greater still, he had made his Don a Donna
mirabo: Ready to fall
Harsh Mangal`: Magical Dirt
mjp3000: Caught
Homemade: Westminster zoom burst
- Riggs -: Golden Pond
willy gil: yellow
Jeremy-G:'s time to go home...
Adribelfiore: alba dal monte Ilice- Zafferana Etnea
Dailyville: flammable
lichtmaedel: The Olden of Landscape
CaptPiper: Golden Journey
LynchburgVirginia ★: art of seeing
Rodrigo Osorio: Reflex - xelfeR
Arun Jr: sunset sail... one more from Helsinborg.