Dan McPharlin: Hexatron
Dan McPharlin: Prototypes
| Jared Tyler: 52/52 | Living Life Like Money.
Seanen Middleton: What lies beneath (2016)
Berduu: "Dummy Up"
Berduu: "Scraping the Flood Zone"
Berduu: "Dragon Valley Clouds/Mist"
Berduu: "Blow Me Away"
Berduu: "Skyfall"
Berduu: "Walkabout"
3cm: 3610
3cm: 1514
3cm: 2781
Rob Woodcox: Bruised.
| Jared Tyler: 11/52 | Now Take Me High Where Winds Blow Loud. (Explored)
christian.barroso: The World and Me
de Fatto: El ángel de la muerte.
AzlanMAM: Emocratic Republic
kiyoshimachine: Escape from reality beleaguered
alexstoddard: Adolescence.
alexstoddard: Abyss.
alexstoddard: The animals.
Simon Malvez: Vértebra por vértebra
brianoldham: The Great Escape
p.jamus: Alex Stoddard