D J Alexander: 2022-12-17_08-54-38
D J Alexander: IMG_20170315_141946
D J Alexander: Foggy Road
D J Alexander: Fog on the Lee
D J Alexander: Cork City Docks
D J Alexander: Cork City Docks
D J Alexander: In light of it all.
D J Alexander: In light of it all.
D J Alexander: Morning
D J Alexander: Winter Mountains
D J Alexander: On the wire
D J Alexander: Footbridge Doneraile Park
D J Alexander: Footbridge Doneraile Park
D J Alexander: A shrouded Doneraile House
D J Alexander: Black and white autumn morning.
D J Alexander: DSCF2367
D J Alexander: On Reflection
D J Alexander: Painted Ducks
D J Alexander: Doneraile Park
D J Alexander: Doneraile Park
D J Alexander: Doneraile Park
D J Alexander: Girl on bench.
D J Alexander: You wont find it at the bottom of a bottle.
D J Alexander: The fourth wheel
D J Alexander: IMG_5261
D J Alexander: IMG_5258
D J Alexander: IMG_5256
D J Alexander: Ireland supporter
D J Alexander: Garden visitor