taiwanicus: Bretschneideraceae Bretschneidera sinensis
taiwanicus: Rutaceae Citrus depressa
guitar_lover_tw: A46I8089_W
Twogiantscoops: Ayrmer Cove (Explore)
ianmiddleton1: Glencoe_
Wayne Pinkston: Honeymoon Arch
angus clyne: Loch Rannoch
angus clyne: Autumn Beech
Wouter de Bruijn: The sky at dawn
Wu Shin: IMG_9894
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C1933_W
joe00265: _DSC8151
太魯閣國家公園: 2014太魯閣峽谷音樂節-魯千千
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C5989_W
U-ichiro1003: Chou-Cho
convergingphoto: Father and son holding hands
Weber 凱淵爸爸: 日出、萬里
joe00265: _DSC5694
joe00265: DSC_0484
M_Johns: IMG_1584sf