Trix: Pierre qui roule .......: Aguardant a les Mares de Dèu
Willis.La: Midsummer's Night
JuanSe5: lomogram
 Pere Soler: Night Watchers
szbukta: warmth of the sun
Sela Dor: super star diva
PiscesDreamer: Quarry Rock
Joeyful~: Di nuovi orizzonti I
Sela Dor: london's launderettes
anna☆morosini: the world is a vampire.
Kaptah: M&C&S
manwar2010: invoke Him with fear and hope...
jesuscm: high fidelity
seto.wai: Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
seto.wai: Forgotten
williamcho: The Colonial attractions of Singapore fronting the Singapore River banks at Boat Quay against the modern cityscape of Singapore...
FlavioSarescia: Merced River
Sophie-Lin: 茶園
Eliada Toska: Reflection on the car.
..AVA..: Silent lucidity