ttcopley: Trying it out
hk_traveller: Bergen
hk_traveller: 紅葉影窗前
ttcopley: New bike day!
ttcopley: Another day starts on the harbourfront
ttcopley: Welcome back
ttcopley: Boundary layer chaos
Apple Crisp: Half Moon Over the Sundial Bridge
ttcopley: Landing
Apple Crisp: In her element
Apple Crisp: Driving Down California I-5
ttcopley: BC Ferry approaching Active pass
Apple Crisp: dogwood haiku ~
hk_traveller: Cappadocia, Turkey
cristofa: ROCAT rowing catamaran
cristofa: a big wave
cristofa: rough sea trials
bocavermelha-l.b.: simultaneousness…♫ little egrets - egretta garzetta - from bali ♫♫♫
bocavermelha-l.b.: stealthily, the queen's mad-eyes...♫ wildilife from zimbabwe ♫
ttcopley: Choices and the beginning of the Great Flatness
ttcopley: Suburbia vs. Ant Farms: Discuss
Apple Crisp: Irridescence
Apple Crisp: Potential
ttcopley: Organic over inorganic
ttcopley: Repetition
Apple Crisp: "I've been a miner for a heart of gold..."
hk_traveller: Silkroad, China
ttcopley: Wind sock at twilight