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Rob Scamp
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Rob Scamp
On days without F E A R, when our heads are clear
Rob Scamp
Denizens of twilight lands
Rob Scamp
Introducing characters to memories like old friends
Rob Scamp
the far too simple beauty of the promises we made
Rob Scamp
Opening the doors for the dreams to come home
Rob Scamp
Rob Scamp
Until the dance becomes your very own
Rob Scamp
The other side of the fence
Rob Scamp
Memory, prophecy and fantasy
Rob Scamp
between a breath expelled and another drawn
Rob Scamp
Like the whole world has been made again
Rob Scamp
Dancing in the spotlight to the sound of clapping hands
Rob Scamp
And watch from the shadowed wings, all these beautiful things
Rob Scamp
the spirit has its homeland, which is the realm of the meaning of things
Rob Scamp
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Rob Scamp
On the outskirts of nowhere
Rob Scamp
do you remember a time when you thought you belonged to something more than you?
Rob Scamp
Woodland (S) elf (ie)
Rob Scamp
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance
Rob Scamp
Afraid of sunlight
Rob Scamp
Rob Scamp
Like some primordial phantom of romance
Rob Scamp
Medals pinned to a threadbare greatcoat
Rob Scamp
We are the new Kings
Rob Scamp
Lost and found. (The old pump house)
Rob Scamp
Those Autumn leaves lie undisturbed now ...
Rob Scamp
Colour my eyes
Rob Scamp
The road less travelled by
Rob Scamp
the uneasy truce
Rob Scamp
A feeling for snow
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