robotson: NO
robotson: Partly cloudy
robotson: My kind of room
robotson: readmore
robotson: stoked about my new sad Mac pin
robotson: Burbank
robotson: WORK PERKS
robotson: LMGTFY
robotson: finally seeing this new thumbs up thumbs down interface on Netflix
robotson: Really diggin this me as a woman look
robotson: Hey Me Undies what makes you think I would ever where a hat with your brand on it.... oh wait nevermind.
robotson: I was up above it, but now I'm down in it
robotson: THIRSTY.
robotson: def need blackout curtains
robotson: FUTURE
robotson: Tell 'em how you really feel, bill
robotson: #airpods
robotson: Happy Easter snake pliskin
robotson: Bitmoji understands me
robotson: Discharge paste lightened black t-shirt with imperfect stencil bleed
robotson: Experiment in lightening fabric with discharge space through a stencil
robotson: new pins work good together
robotson: net neutrality pin
robotson: biz expenses
robotson: APP
robotson: Hello Yoshi
robotson: 😈
robotson: #filter
robotson: Gross