the purl bee: buttons
Janna...: Lincoln Red Cattle
shuji+: West
kansasjhawk: Converse All Stars
leevil2010: n03650203a
Dan McPharlin: Paul's Set
Vonster86: DSC_3857HDR-125
bolbax102: Mamiya RB67 Pro-S
Gregory Heath: Mamiya RB67. 127mm Seiko shutter.
Amateur Zen Magazine: to each his own
tatraškoda: Bridge Street Buildings
Calluna_Vulgaris: Three Amigos
Calluna_Vulgaris: May in Europe pt. 2
Alan Yahnke: A Different View
mc_ura: Adrien Brody at KAZAN City
Timothy Logan Photography: StTheodosius_CrownGraphic_FujiFP100C45_041612
the workers' opposition: lisa in the desert
the workers' opposition: interpretive centre
dorkasaurus_rex: the view
urbanlandcruiser: 0412 BW 810 10.jpg
Yin Lung Lee Photography: RB67_Velvia50_155
Yin Lung Lee Photography: RB67_Astia_166
Yin Lung Lee Photography: RB67_Astia_167
Wiley.Studio: Jessica