Kitone: History is a landslide that buries everybody I know
M.*: Câmpia Româna
christian.adamini: The Burren
Irina Souiki: IMG_0720
Kitone: The sadness would get bored and go away
Jose Téllez: Buenos Aires sense cotxes
Kitone: The storm and the fortune
MeFirstO: Film roll 001 / Take 23
M.*: indescifrabil
Irina Souiki: Toxic
wurm9: London underground
irina`: lil 007endyht
Claire Marie Vogel: 4th of July
Claire Marie Vogel: Sawdust Festival
Claire Marie Vogel: alice at the fair
Kitone: You weren't much of a muse, but then I wasn't much of a poet
Kitone: Oblivion
M.*: un'-doi-trei, la perete stai!
linus_lohoff: Lichter - Debüt Album
Kitone: Hotel white