Robin Gower: 1_Rodrigues Fruit Bat
Robin Gower: 2_Two-Toed Sloth
Robin Gower: V1_Naked Mole Rats
Robin Gower: 3_Lego Chameleon
Robin Gower: 4_Lego Chameleon
Robin Gower: 5_Lego Golden Lion Tamarin
Robin Gower: 6_Lego GL Tamarin
Robin Gower: 7_Lego GL Tamarin
Robin Gower: 8_Ring Tailed Lemur
Robin Gower: 9_Black Neck Swan on Nest
Robin Gower: 10_Black Neck Swan
Robin Gower: V2_Orangutan (maybe Batu)
Robin Gower: 11_3 year Old Amani
Robin Gower: 12_Silverback Papa Motuba
Robin Gower: 13_Toddler gorillas Running around
Robin Gower: 14_2 year Old Ajabu
Robin Gower: 15_Gorilla in treetop trail
Robin Gower: V3_Gorilla in treetop trail
Robin Gower: 16_Lego Lion
Robin Gower: 17_Lego Lion
Robin Gower: V3_Male Lion Makini
Robin Gower: 18_Lioness Tajiri
Robin Gower: 19_Lions in overhead trail
Robin Gower: V4_Jaguar unhappy because___
Robin Gower: V5_the Lions were in the overhead trail
Robin Gower: 20_Tiger
Robin Gower: 21_Tiger
Robin Gower: 22_Cheetah
Robin Gower: 23_Cheetah
Robin Gower: 24_Eagle refused to turn around