Don Dunning: Where's Daddy With Food?
S O P H A I: Royal gallery
winterkind.: Der fliegende Käfig
kate willmer: The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep
pepoexpress - A few million thanks!: Amanecer sobre los lagos Abaya y Chamo, Etbiopia (día 6)
Bernard Spragg: Cruising on Milford Sound NZ.
NPPhotographie: in der Normandie - Malerei an einer Hauswand
Howard J Duncan: Psychology
© Lucie Debelkova / UK - England - Cornwall - Land's End - Iconic rocky arch at Sunset
yan08865: The Driest Place on Earth
Peter Williams Photography - Over 4,159,000 views: "Buachaille Etive Mor" - Scotland
lorenka campos: The Black Queen tattoos all her pies, She boils and she bakes and she never dots her "I's"
ptrbsh30: Etude #170612DSC3594.
Geoff Main: Almost
parlima: Flowers.
Paul Mühlbach: girl gazing ahead sitting on a stone
Patrick.Raymond (11M views): Bretagne, Locronan, 8
tigran kalevian: prisiones 2
juan luis olaeta: La barrera de la LUZ
SaffyH: Summer at Mere Sands Wood Nature Reserve near Holmeswood, Lancashire, England - July 2017
Francesco Impellizzeri: The Light on the Church