Hector16: Back to Work :-(
Hector16: The Falling Out
Hector16: Life and death in the Masai Mara
Hector16: The Jackal comes in to clean up after the lions.
Hector16: Juvenile Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax) helps remove the last remains of the Wildebeest.
Hector16: Yep, Still stuck!
Hector16: Little Angels?
Hector16: Old Man
Hector16: Kiss of Death
Hector16: Someone is not sharing...
Hector16: Verreaux's Eagle Owl (Bubo lacteus)
Hector16: Leopard
Hector16: Dribbler...
Hector16: Spare Ribs Anyone?
Hector16: Sore
Hector16: Cheetah
Hector16: Happy Hyena
Hector16: No Photos!
Hector16: Lesser Kestrel with prize
Hector16: Rufous-crowned Roller (Purple Roller)
Hector16: Egyptian Goose
Hector16: Three-banded Plover
Hector16: Superb Starling
Hector16: Grey-headed Kingfisher
Hector16: Leopard
Hector16: Stalking Cheetah
Hector16: Young male lion
Hector16: A tale of two cubs
Hector16: Practising the Lion Swagger
Hector16: I've lost my Mum....