M.R White: Sapphire down
.sarahwynne.: IMG_9277
.sarahwynne.: a radiant girl
ozoni11: Green Heron Searching for Frogs, Fish...
.sarahwynne.: fixing the stitch
Jason Isley: Spiny devilfish (Inimicus didactylus)
Mark Atwell: Gills of a Nudibranch - Probably Nembrotha kubaryana
f/stopboy: Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus Dofleini)
Brian Mayes: Flamboyant Cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi)
nutmeg66: Vapourer moth caterpillar
EduardoMarabuto Photography: Lemonia philopalus
Random Images from The Heartland: ...Hummingbird Moth...
Lumase: And seek the love of kind
Putneypics: DSCF1215
Digidiverdave: "The Magic of Love" (Hippocampus reidi)
mrfuller: Blue Ringed Octopus
lemurdillo: jeweled top snail
Thomas Vignaud: "What's that?"
Digidiverdave: Horny Hombre (Nembrotha lineolata)
sbailliez: Smallest Frogfish Ever
sbailliez: Yellow Pygmy Seahorse
sbailliez: Whitemargin stargazer
.sarahwynne.: macgregor
High Desert Rider: spinecheek - P7290793
mandimike: Feather Starfish - Phi Phi, Thailand
jovdam: Starfish
High Desert Rider: clam - PC240869
richard ling: Green Moray Eel
Anaspides Photography - Iain D. Williams: Giant Frogfish (Antennaruis commersoni) White Phase - Philippines