junjiaoyama: sunset 5860
gaudreaultnormand: Northern lights on the Saguenay river. 09-03-2015
Miguelanxo: Claustro del Monasterio de Xunqueira de Espadanedo (Ourense)
Minder Cheng: Tree Aeonium (Aeonium arboreum)
tiofeote: Con espada y armadura
tiofeote: Feliz Año Nuevo, compañer@s
tiofeote: La oscuridad del bosque
galsafrafoto: view across the river
galsafrafoto: White petunia
galsafrafoto: Flowers of Alpinia zerumbet
AurelioZen: Toen werd nu (Then became now)
AurelioZen: Happy 2025!
AurelioZen: Staircase - Kunstmuseum The Hague
Life Imitates Doodles: Red Lightning Sprites
Life Imitates Doodles: Lollipop Gerber Daisy adapted from Watercolor in the Woods-Winsor & Newton Watercolor on Meeden Cold Press
Life Imitates Doodles: Swiss Cheese Plant
amalia_mar: "lit by candlelight" P1150827
amalia_mar: "objects in pastel colours" P1090490
concho cowboy: Lighthouse, coastal California, USA
concho cowboy: Jeep'n in the monsoons of the White Mountains, Arizona, USA
Paul W Lucas Photography: The state of art is the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls...
frantiekl: Šumava plains
frantiekl: Wandering through the forest
margelisstathis: fallen leaves
margelisstathis: Good morning with colors and joy
smir_001: Winter menu: Frosted ivy on moss
smir_001: A Slipper orchid in bloom
smir_001: Bobbling in the wind
Alberto Quintal: I follow the shadows