roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 12 maggio 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 14’ TIME CAP - “SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE” LADDER 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 … AND SO ON DEADLIFT 100/70KG 1 LEGLESS ROPE CLIMB 7 HSPU #crossfit #crossfit059 #cro#crossfitteam059 #CFT059 #justdoit #nikemetcon #niketraining #
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 11 maggio 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 18’ TIME CAP - “MAYA” A.M.R.A.P. 20 CAL. BIKE 17 POWER SNATCH 40/25KG 20 BOX JUMP 60/50CM 17 WALL BALL 9/6KG ADVANCED: EVERY 4:30 WINDOW COMPLETE ONE ROUND #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #s
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 10 maggio 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 16’ TIME CAP - “BARBELL KING” “WITH A RUNNING CLOCK” FROM 0:00 TO 4:00 9 THRUSTER 40/25KG 20 A.SWING 32/24KG 200M RUN (OR 15CAL.) FROM 4:00 TO 8:00 15 THRUSTER 40/25KG 20 A.SWING 32/24KG 200M RUN (OR 15CAL.) FR
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 09 maggio 2017 “FOR TIME” 12 M.U. 24 D.SNATCH 20/15KG 9 M.U. 18 D.SNATCH 20/15KG 6 M.U. 12 D.SNATCH 20/15KG DIRECTLY INTO… “8’ A.M.R.A.P.” 50 DOUBLE UNDER 15 TTB #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #CFT059 #nike #starttraini
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 08 maggio 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 22’ E.M.O.M. 10’ ODD’: BENCH PRESS EVEN’: ROW 15/12 CAL. REST 2’ E.M.O.M. 10’ ODD’: POWER CLEAN EVEN’: BURPEE 15/12 REPS L1: 5 REPS @ 90/65KG - L2: 10 REPS @ 70/45KG - L3: 15 REPS @ 50/25KG ADVANCED: 5 REPS
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 05 maggio 2017 “Fast & Smooth” Complete as you want 10 Rope Climb 30 Clean & Jerk 60/40kg 50 Burpees 70 Pistol Time Cap 15' #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #stopexercisingstarttraining #niketraining #starttraining #nikemetc
roberto rovatti: Monolift #maipiusenza #crossfit #crossfitteam #crossfit059 #CFT059 #nike #nikemetcon #starttraining #niketraining #stopexercisingstarttraining @_cft059_ @roguefitness @rogueeurope
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 04 maggio 2017 HERO DAY “NUTTS” 10 HSPU 25 Deadlift 115/75kg 50 Pull Up 100 Wall Ball 200 Double Unders 400mt Weighted Run (Sandbag/Medball/DB/KB/Vest) Time Cap 30’ #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #justdoit #stopexercisingst
roberto rovatti: Beauty in Strength CFT059 Girls @benny_marasini @pilates4migine @matilderossini @sarafallaha80 Repost : @_cft059_ #CFT059 #justdoit #niketrainig #starttraining #stopexercisingstarttraining #metcon #crossfit059 #crossfit
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 27 aprile 2017 “DOUBLE F WARM UP WITH YOUR BURPEES” Complete 5 rounds, 2.00 minutes ON and 1.30 minutes OFF: * 20 front squat * 10 hspu * max reps burpees over the bar (parallel) in the remaining time Score: sum of burpees Time cap 16’ - N° fo
roberto rovatti: Welcome to the Master 40-44 cat. @giovannicicogni #vdm #originalvdm #vdm® #crossfit #crossfit059 #CFT059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 24 aprile 2017 “MIMI’, COCO’ E…” Complete 6 rounds for time of: * 40 double unders * 12 power snatch 40/30 * 1 muscle up Add 1 muscle up each round (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Time cap 15’ #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #CFT059 #s
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 21 aprile 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 25’ TIME CAP “THE CHOICE” 100 WALL BALL 9/6KG 75 TTB 50 A.SWING 32/24KG 25 M.U. COMPLETE AS YOU WANT ADVANCED: COMPLETE AS WE WANT… BUT: AT 0:00 RUN 100M AT 5:00 RUN 200M AT 10:00 RUN 300M
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 20 aprile 2017 “FAST & FURIOUS” E.M.O.M. 40’ 1ST MINUTE: 16/12 ROW CALORIES 2ND MINUTE: 16/12 BENCH 60/35KG 3RD MINUTE: 16/12 DEADLIFT 100/70KG 4TH MINUTE: 16/12 BIKE CALORIES 5TH MINUTE: 8/6 ROW CALORIES 6TH MINUTE: 8/6 BENCH 60/35KG 7TH MINUTE
roberto rovatti: Road to Regionals #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #CFT059 #starttraining #niketraining #nikemetcon #stopexercisingstarttraining #justdoit @_cft059_ @crossfitgames @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates
roberto rovatti: @summerslamtc BLASPHEMIES AND BURPEES - CATEGORIA MASTER Mirco Canovi Micaela Desiato Roberto Rovatti #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #stopexercisingstarttraining #nikemetcon #niketraining #starttraining
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 19 aprile 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 16’ TIME CAP “BOLLICINE” 10 RFT 2 HANG SQUAT CLEAN “MAV2” 4 HSPU 8 BOX JUMP 60/50CM TARGET IS: UNBROKEN SET #crossfit059 #CFT059 #crossfit #crossfitteam #justdoit #starttraining #niketraining #nikemetcon #stope
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 18 aprile 2017 T2X - N°XATHL. - 14’ TIME CAP “HEART BOMB” ODD MINUTE: 3 THRUSTER 50/35KG 6 BURPEE EVEN MINUTE: 3 THRUSTER 50/35KG 6 CTB #justdoit #niketraining #nikemetcon #starttraining #stopexercisingstarttraining #crossfit #crossfit059 #cr
roberto rovatti: Quando sei un #baiocco devi esserlo fino in fondo #bebaiocco #snatch #snatchpress #bilanciereintesta #CFT059 #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #stopexercisingstarttraining #starttraining #nikemetcon #niketraining #justdoit @_cft059_
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 14 aprile 2017 Team of 2 - Reps x Team - 1 Work 1 Rest “PACE IS THE NEW SPRINT” AMRAP 20’ 50 Cal Bike/Row/Skyerg 30 Power Snatch 40/30kg 50 Cal Bike/Row/Skiers 30 Power Snatch 50/35kg 50 Cal Bike/Row/Skyerg 30 Power Snatch 60/40kg 50 Cal Bike/Row/S
roberto rovatti: Repost app ==> @manilapennacchio:ORA SI È UFFICIALE!!!! #CFT059 #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 @_cft059_ @crossfitgames @crossfit
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 13 aprile 2017 Team of 2 - 1W/1R - reps x Team - work as a relay “DELAY RELAY” 4 Rounds each Teammate * 1 round of CINDY (5 Pull Up, 10 Push Up, 15 Air Squat) * 2 Rope Climb * 1 round of CINDY TWO THE BITCH (4 Bar MU, 8 HSPU, 16 Pistol) * 2 Deadli
roberto rovatti: 47 Baffo AUGURI The real post workout #beer🍺 #CFT059 #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #nikemetcon #starttraining #stopexercisingstarttraining #justdoit @_cft059_ @crossfit @crossfitgames @crossfitaffiliates
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 11 aprile 2017 “THE METCON BEER” 5 rounds 7 bear complex 40/30kg + 15/10 Cal Bike/Skyerg or 20/15 Cal Row Every stop during the 7 bear complex do 7 Burpees #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #CFT059 #justdoit #stopexercisingstarttraining #startt
roberto rovatti: Repost @benbergeron:Take ownership and see what happens. #builtbybergeron #CFT059 #crossfit059 #crossfitteam059 #justdoit #niketrainig #starttraining #stopexercisingstarttraining
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 10 aprile 2017 “Your Option is…” Opt.1 —> Barbell 100/65kg 15 reps Opt.2 —> Barbell 90/60kg 18 reps Opt.3 —> Barbell 80/50kg 21 reps Opt.4 —> Barbell 70/45kg 24 reps Opt.5 —> Barbell 60/40kg 27 reps Opt.6 —> Barbell 50/35kg 30 reps Opt.7 —>
roberto rovatti: Crossfitness Beach Day 1 #crossfit #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfitteam059 #CFT059 #justdoit #stopexercisingstarttraining #starttraining #nikemetcon
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 07 aprile 2017 “IT’S FRIDAY: I’M IN LOVE” Complete as fast as possible 5 rounds of: * 200/150m Run * 12 Deadlift 100/70 * 6 Hang Squat Clean 60/40 Time cap 18’ #crossfitteam059 #crossfit059 #crossfitteam #crossfit #crossfitgames #open2017 #r
roberto rovatti: @_cft059_:W.O.D. 06 aprile 2017 “FIGHT FOR YOUR P.R. - PART 2” ATTENTION: TODAY WE RUN Every minute on the minute, activate yourself with 4 Rounds of: * odd: 5 tng power snatches 50/30 * even: 15 to 5 cal bike/row rest 2 minute Every minute on the min
roberto rovatti: W.O.D. 06 aprile 2017 “FIGHT FOR YOUR P.R. - PART 2” ATTENTION: TODAY WE RUN Every minute on the minute, activate yourself with 4 Rounds of: * odd: 5 tng power snatches 50/30 * even: 15 to 5 cal bike/row rest 2 minute Every minute on the minute, acti