Robbie Shone: Towering Giants inside Schwarzmooskogel Eishöhle
Robbie Shone: Large ice formations inside Eiskögel höhle near Werfenweng
Robbie Shone: China Caves - Hong Meigui Expedition to visit giant caves in Wulong County
Robbie Shone: Caving Expedition visiting caves near Wulong, Chongqing Province of China
Robbie Shone: Caving Expedition to visit caves of the Tongzi area in northern Wulong, Chongqing Province of China
Robbie Shone: The lower half of Frozen Deep in Reservoir Hole, Mendip
Robbie Shone: Ascending puit Ruiz in the Gouffre Berger
Robbie Shone: Alum Pot
Robbie Shone: Skylight in Dong Wan Dong - China
Robbie Shone: Garlands Pot in Giants Hole - The Peak District (UK)
Robbie Shone: British explorers battle with the elements whilst exploring and documenting giant moulins on the Gorner Glacier near the Matterhorn, Switzerland.
Robbie Shone: British explorers battle with the elements whilst exploring and documenting giant moulins on the Gorner Glacier near the Matterhorn, Switzerland.
Robbie Shone: British explorers battle with the elements whilst exploring and documenting giant moulins on the Gorner Glacier near the Matterhorn, Switzerland.
Robbie Shone: British explorers battle with the elements whilst exploring and documenting giant moulins on the Gorner Glacier near the Matterhorn, Switzerland.
Robbie Shone: Denise Braunhofer (Innsbruck Uni) collecting a water sample from Conturines Cave high in the Dolomites above San Cassiano
Robbie Shone: Steep slope picture - Austria
Robbie Shone: James Alker swimming through the Pseudo Siphon in The Gouffre Berger at -1122m
Robbie Shone: Marc Luetscher drops in at the base of the first pitch in Scialet des Fées Anglaises
Robbie Shone: Matthieu & Sophie Anne in The Hall of the Thirteen
Robbie Shone: HMS Badger 1 crossing the entrance lake in the Grotte de Gournier
Robbie Shone: Looking down Puits Garby at caver Adam Spillane - The Gouffre Berger
Robbie Shone: Chris Blakeley passes the deviation in puit Aldo - The Gouffre Berger
Robbie Shone: Lush green vegetation engulfs the entrance to Doppelbrückenschacht, Tirol.
Robbie Shone: Florian and Marc chat inside Grotte de Glacière, Sieben Hengste
Robbie Shone: Two travellers carefully make their way across a rope bridge on the Headhunters Trail, surrounded by dense forest in Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Robbie Shone: Caving, like fun ...but different!
Robbie Shone: The early development of the giant 509m deep Miao Keng shaft - China
Robbie Shone: Climbing in Caves - Thors Cave, Staffordshire, UK
Robbie Shone: A photographer trying to capture a drip in full bloom as it bursts up from a stalagmite
Robbie Shone: Scientist at work underground in Bärenhöhle, Austria