Evan Pickett: Ant mimicking spider
Sky Noir: Till the End of Time
1/4th: Temple Car
Evan Pickett: Fruiting lichen
jannepaint: Blankets
kierobau: catching barra in flooded waters
pinguino: Snowy Chinstrap Penguin
Juan Ramón Jiménez: fresa a la leche (strawberries to milk)
pinguino: Redbull on the high seas
Joffley: Starling flock over Brighton Pier
thedot_ru: JEA Marine Bramble on the Red Square
Ch. Chaix: DSC_9996
lidili: deep conversation
fotofacade: Stairway to Heaven
filsduvent59: Corsican Wild Piggy
Lauri Ahtiainen: Räikkönen going through gravel, stones and dust
moonpie dig it: Caterpillar in Disguise
bauplenut: Walkers Creek 070
bauplenut: windmill
dmertl: The Blue Room
Paul D Hayes: Pinguino
Yankees Man: "Concentrate......feel the Force."
niknokniknoknik: Yoga above the clouds
ShoozMo Images (busy!!!): TRUCK..........our new Great Dane puppy
Molly~Goes~Lightly: My favorite Picture of Porter
lowraineah: Me, picking lint from my toes :)
Tripod Ape: Dad you woke me up