robstephaustralia: I'm scanning the floor for more berries
robstephaustralia: Attacked!
robstephaustralia: I'm biting rob's Knee GRRR
robstephaustralia: "i'm being good. Feed me"
robstephaustralia: shaken, not stirred
robstephaustralia: wharf ? ( think scooby for prounciation )
robstephaustralia: We wanted to get a few pictures of the Dawg because Grandma loves them so much, so we got a handful of frozen cranberries out of the freezer and started throwing them at him - this is him coming down from a high catch
robstephaustralia: staaaaay
robstephaustralia: Camera is tasty! CHOMP
robstephaustralia: I, Dante Alleghiri Levy, do solemny swear that everything i say shall be the Woof, the whole Woof, and nothing but the Woof so help me Dog.
robstephaustralia: He's a runt
robstephaustralia: "rhi Ruv roo Rorge"
robstephaustralia: I can catch cranberries whyile lying down
robstephaustralia: I can catch cranberries while sitting
robstephaustralia: and-A-one, and-a - two!
robstephaustralia: Airbourne pony
robstephaustralia: Duckdog 002
robstephaustralia: Pumpkin 001
robstephaustralia: Pumpkin 002
robstephaustralia: Pumpkin 003
robstephaustralia: Pumpkin 004
robstephaustralia: Pumpkin 005
robstephaustralia: My husband and my dog are such hams!
robstephaustralia: Pumpkin 007
robstephaustralia: The victor and the sad puppy who lost...
robstephaustralia: Sneak attack!