robstephaustralia: Dante and sisters ( he's in the back)
robstephaustralia: Dante's sisters. He's hiding under the table, the sook.
robstephaustralia: Dante's sister
robstephaustralia: Steph and Tad - dante's father
robstephaustralia: He's not gonna get that big...right?
robstephaustralia: Grarrrrr!
robstephaustralia: Leaping puppy
robstephaustralia: No, dante, frogs arent tasty
robstephaustralia: The frog escaped dante and went to the Window
robstephaustralia: dog. asleep.
robstephaustralia: Barf diet
robstephaustralia: how much for the puppy?
robstephaustralia: The Dogfather
robstephaustralia: Shopping tires him out
robstephaustralia: Cute puppy pic 1
robstephaustralia: ok, you think up captions for these.
robstephaustralia: bawrroo?
robstephaustralia: Let sleeping dogs lie
robstephaustralia: sleepering puppery