robstephaustralia: Remnants of the rainforest: giant trees left in the cow pasture
robstephaustralia: BANANNAS!
robstephaustralia: On the road again.... through Daintree township
robstephaustralia: Moocows!
robstephaustralia: How now ya' Bloody brown cows?
robstephaustralia: who's picture is next to the ferry crossing sign?
robstephaustralia: We passed this sign on Christmas eve and thought of Tyler.
robstephaustralia: Dang! Just missed the ferry!
robstephaustralia: Such a cool contraption - it runs on cables - for guidance AND propulsion
robstephaustralia: Puppery dogged eyes
robstephaustralia: On Board
robstephaustralia: The Motor that pulls the Ferry Across the River
robstephaustralia: Almost Across. Note the Dinki Di ferry Operator
robstephaustralia: Through the forest, Feet First.
robstephaustralia: From the lookout at the top of the Daintree
robstephaustralia: Cow bay moo.
robstephaustralia: What can I say - Aussie men are MEN
robstephaustralia: livin' in paradise
robstephaustralia: A fruit farm in the middle of the Rainforest
robstephaustralia: Cape tribulation Scenery
robstephaustralia: there were HUGE speedbumps all along a 30 km stretch of road 'cuzz there are only 1500 Cassowaries left.... and we believe a local resident altered the signs. "slow down... don't mow down."
robstephaustralia: I'm on noah beach
robstephaustralia: Fins to the left
robstephaustralia: Fins to the right
robstephaustralia: whoops - two of these.. oh well. suffer.
robstephaustralia: Sand bubbler crabs make these cool patterns
robstephaustralia: Crab art
robstephaustralia:'s christmas eve... and i'm Stressin' about what chimney Santa is going to find out here to bring Steph presents. See how stressed I am?
robstephaustralia: here is what the crab looks like :