robstephaustralia: Mmmmmm death by cheesecake
robstephaustralia: the door to heaven
robstephaustralia: 2 o' these in town
robstephaustralia: the chinese restaurant was noisy
robstephaustralia: My sticker says " Buy me! I'm Wicked and Cheap!"
robstephaustralia: Awwww kevin n Jin
robstephaustralia: us n Rebecca
robstephaustralia: Rebecca didnt so much like of the Tofu ( but she tried it!)
robstephaustralia: put another candle on the birth day cake...
robstephaustralia: I couldnt eat the cheesecake.
robstephaustralia: so i Shmeared kevin with it after he offered it to me
robstephaustralia: he has not the tongue of Gene Simmons ( or even Erin)
robstephaustralia: Trick relighting candles... how novel
robstephaustralia: jin thinkin" Maybe these explodey candles werent such a keen idea"
robstephaustralia: Kevin stabbing the Bejesus outa' the cake