robstephaustralia: The Tamarind Trees
robstephaustralia: Wierd pic of steph, in the ute, Going by a person
robstephaustralia: We were followed by an Evil Moke!
robstephaustralia: Heaven on earth
robstephaustralia: The view from the back of the Ute
robstephaustralia: Looking back at the steep 2 mile road we would have walked
robstephaustralia: I thumbed a passing car - AND THEY STOPPED! thank goodness - we were told it was a half a K walk at the hostel. I hate Hostels!
robstephaustralia: Florence bay beach
robstephaustralia: Cruysal clear h20
robstephaustralia: my bald head shadow and the beautiful warm water
robstephaustralia: A cuttlefish "bone"
robstephaustralia: My hot wife
robstephaustralia: My sexy self - I get hairier daily.
robstephaustralia: Is that a bear coming out of the woods?
robstephaustralia: Florence bay
robstephaustralia: Post card shot
robstephaustralia: We need a boat
robstephaustralia: Florence bay, Maggie Island
robstephaustralia: All it needed was a small tiki bar.
robstephaustralia: My favourite pic of the set
robstephaustralia: All that's missing is Tyler, a Case of beer, and a surf Rod
robstephaustralia: Ther reef starts right off the Beach - I snorkeled over it!
robstephaustralia: If only steph's snorkel had worked... She could have joined me snorkeling in Florence bay.
robstephaustralia: The trail was even steeper than it looks
robstephaustralia: Granite Boulders
robstephaustralia: We were looking for Koalas in the trees - but didnt see any.
robstephaustralia: I like the bend of this tree
robstephaustralia: Bodacious!
robstephaustralia: Strange Flora
robstephaustralia: Trekkin' it