robstephaustralia: The spread @ kevin's place 'cuzz it was his landlord's son's 13th Bday
robstephaustralia: The lamb
robstephaustralia: The rice
robstephaustralia: Steph Wearing a lamp
robstephaustralia: Adib - He says his nickname is "terrorist" at school. I wonder why.
robstephaustralia: soda bottle caps taped together and filled with firework powder... mom approves apparently.
robstephaustralia: He's really a nice kid otherwise. Reminds me of Matt at that age.
robstephaustralia: Kevin's mom Jun and steve (adib's (terrorist child) dad)
robstephaustralia: ...Then some chick started twirling fire.
robstephaustralia: I can do that - said I
robstephaustralia: I love my camera.
robstephaustralia: I had to try it... and I escaped burn free!
robstephaustralia: Kevin is tall
robstephaustralia: Cakesteph
robstephaustralia: Fireworks