** Robyn **: Cheering up a rainy day with #happymail from @closetplanneraddict Thanks, Christine. They are lovely! #planner #planneraddict #plannerstickers
** Robyn **: #coffee ! The first of the day. I am not an addict!
** Robyn **: A female cat is a queen
** Robyn **: I haven't been here for a while. I have been tempted by the #food at Passiontree Flower opposite but I thought I should be good today.
** Robyn **: Got myself a hot date tonight. Good thing it doesn't mind a drippy nose. I'm #sick 😢
** Robyn **: This is what happens when I miss out on a training session. I MUST go back to keeping a #food journal to keep me on track.
** Robyn **: Is it becoming a tradition or just a habit to do this on a late weekend morning? #trifle and #coffee #breakfast style.
** Robyn **: Even in Sydney the Italian waiters force the conversation into English. Is my #Italian THAT bad? I am really quite proud of it.
** Robyn **: #selfie at the Mosman Art Gallery.
** Robyn **: I am so weak in the face of #temptation
** Robyn **: 239 calories from Sussex Street to the Sydney Cricket Ground to watch the #Swans play. Am I obsessed or what!
** Robyn **: #indulgence is perfect for #Saturday lunchtime.
** Robyn **: #TheEight #yumcha for Mother's Day. I think I'll pass on the chickens feet, thank you.
** Robyn **: Perhaps I should add this banana bread to my #Draw100FacesProject although it was not shaped deliberately. Just a happy accident.
** Robyn **: Day 11 of my #Draw100FacesProject. I have missed a few days. Some times dark moods steal my confidence. Some years ago I attended a series of lectures on the Renaissance at the Art a Gallery of NSW. The first lecture was given by the gallery director, Edm
** Robyn **: Day 10 of my #Draw100FacesProject and #The100DayProject My friend who is the mother of the little man in yesterday's drawing.
** Robyn **: The promise of temptation to come.
** Robyn **: Channelling my inner Escher.
** Robyn **: Sono a Roma
** Robyn **: Santo Spirito Sunday flea market where I didn't buy a hat or a book or anything containing sugar. I have been very restrained
** Robyn **: If we can't put them on the Ponte Vecchio then we will put them on the next bridge.
** Robyn **: Any old iron, or new will do. #Firenze
** Robyn **: I am really pleased with this #Moleskine pocket notebook makeover. I use it for my Italian holidays ideas, reminders and notes.
** Robyn **: There is no avoiding temptation.
** Robyn **: Dinnertime
** Robyn **: Fontana di trevi
** Robyn **: Gelateria della Palma
** Robyn **: My home in Roma