Mr Rob Mills: Birthday lunch with the family in a Mongolian ger in the middle of Bristol #yurtlush
Mr Rob Mills: Well this is no fun at all...! (Credit to the NHS staff at Southmead for being rather brilliant nonetheless)
Mr Rob Mills: Like many businesses and services Southmead Hospital has been forced to diversify.
Mr Rob Mills: It's me! (Probably should have cleaned the mirror first)
Mr Rob Mills: It's difficult to take an original shot of Jeppe Hein's 'Follow Me' in Royal Fort Gardens in Bristol, but here it is anyway. The piece comprises 76 vertical mirrored plates forming a basic labyrinth and responds to the original designer of the garden, Sir
Mr Rob Mills: Get out and vote! I know the mayoral elections have been over-shadowed by the general election campaign, and it may feel like in Bristol that a Labour or Liberal win is assured, but the Conservatives will be counting on low turn-out to skew the voting dem
Mr Rob Mills: .@willingskaya preparing a wing for ground handling Saturday afternoon at the bore chasers fly-in.
Mr Rob Mills: The appeal of fire is much more than heat and light. There is a primitive attraction of fire that keeps us hooked while we're watching.
Mr Rob Mills: Bristol's been my home for years, but I always try to view it with fresh eyes wherever I go. After a stint of Christmas shopping today I went on a hunt for new viewpoints and climbed to the top floor of this carpark.
Mr Rob Mills: They'll be a lot of pictures of Clifton Suspension Bridge on Instagram today I expect. With the mist coming up from the Avon Gorge right now it's looking incredible.
Mr Rob Mills: Beautiful crisp early winter's day out with the dogs today. Cold paws all round!
Mr Rob Mills: Smiles
Mr Rob Mills: Squirrel!!!
Mr Rob Mills: Lest we forget. #remberance #Bristol
Mr Rob Mills: It's that day again, and suitably for this pumpkin I'm feeling rotten, knocked down with the dreaded lurgy
Mr Rob Mills: Wonderful to see the colours changing in the hills today. Vibrant greens, yellows and reds all around. I love walking the dogs up here.
Mr Rob Mills: Christ it's been hot these last few days. This is a shot of Norwich Castle which I took today when I made the briefist of visits.
Mr Rob Mills: Purrrfect. ALL the advertising space in Clapham Common underground was replaced by pictures of cats 🐱
Mr Rob Mills: "Pay me attention or I'll destroy your shoes again. This time with your feet still in them! Oh and I just took a piss in the conservatory. You should do something about that probably"
Mr Rob Mills: "Oh hi! I just buried your boxers shorts in the garden and decapitaded a rubber swan"
Mr Rob Mills: Been very quiet on social media letely. A little down post-Brexit vote I suppose - and busy with 'real life'! I've been back in Somerset where my parents live too. When I walk with their dogs I often say hello to a pair of Shetland Ponies who live near by
Mr Rob Mills: The centre of Zaandam is like Amsterdam from a parellel dimension.
Mr Rob Mills: Impromptu-ish road trip. Where am I?
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