rickreed: Dolly Sods July 2021
rickreed: Laguna Beach
Astro_Alex: Which planet? / Welchen Planeten?
mikestuf: A Soft Spot
jazzjohnson013: Elakala Falls
Astro_Alex: Hurricane Florence
Brian_Peterman: Bear Rocks Fall colors
rickreed: Grandfather Mountain
Rich Levine: Snow Capped
Teresa Teixeira: While the sun is rising
Rich Levine: The Flash of a Neon Light
kellyhavens: He Sympathized
Shahid Durrani: Dolly Sods: Sunshine
rickreed: Cowboy Hat
rickreed: New River Gorge Bridge
rickreed: Bass
rickreed: logan bball
rickreed: Valley Falls 1
rickreed: Bald Knob 2
rickreed: Bald Knob 1
kellyhavens: no one else will know these lonely dreams; no one else will know that part of me
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region: Hurricane Sandy pounds West Virginia
rickreed: Duke Gardens 2
ppro: Hummingbird
ppro: Red Run Falls
ppro: Spruce Knob Sunrise
ppro: Templeton Burial Ground
ppro: Templeton Burial Ground