r.mitty: Latest commission
r.mitty: Errrephant!
r.mitty: Mind Explosion
r.mitty: Airplane Peacock
r.mitty: From Delhi
r.mitty: My version of The Thinker
r.mitty: Beach season
r.mitty: Be the Change
r.mitty: The Animal Inside You
r.mitty: "He Sleeps"...work in progress
r.mitty: Bird Shit Crazy
r.mitty: My first screen prints
r.mitty: A work in progress - "Birds Over Baghdad"
r.mitty: Ayyo!
r.mitty: Davy Jones' Locker
r.mitty: Crusteaous
r.mitty: Special
r.mitty: BrainTrust
r.mitty: Autumn
r.mitty: Seahorses forever
r.mitty: All Eyes On You
r.mitty: I did exist.
r.mitty: A trifecta
r.mitty: Xenophobia
r.mitty: Throw Caution to the Wind
r.mitty: The Cousin
r.mitty: "The universe in your eye." And other lies boys tell.
r.mitty: Monsters at The Watercooler
r.mitty: Wrecking Ball
r.mitty: Native Geisha