Alex Osterwalder:
Last prototype of #VPDesign to review before it enters the production cycle...
Omar Junior:
Torres, Rio Grande do Sul
Andrea HdG:
Baltimore Fireworks on the SS JOHN W BROWN... /{EXPLORE 7/14/14}
Camping Under the Milky Way
Alex Osterwalder:
Fresh from the printer. Now proof reading this baby #vpcbook #leanstartup
Artesanatando (Rafa Maués):
Te amo minha estrela, amiga, rainha,amigona!!!!! Minha Vidinha!!!! #teatroguaira #festivaldeetnias #animadantis #arte #cultura #curitiba #minhafilha #meuorgulho #teamo
Omar Junior:
Centro Histórico de São Luís do Maranhão
washington lins:
Sempre imponente teatro amazonas
Omar Junior:
Templo Terra Pura de Padmasambava - Três Coroas/RS
Omar Junior:
Estádio Beira-Rio
L. C. Alves Fotografia:
L. C. Alves Fotografia:
A Colina
L. C. Alves Fotografia:
Encontro Fantástico
L. C. Alves Fotografia:
A Lua e o Cristo
L. C. Alves Fotografia:
As luzes da Cidade
Alex Osterwalder:
I love #spring in the #Swiss #Alps
Alex Osterwalder:
From #swiss cow fights to Toronto skyscrapers for #vpcbook
Leif (Bryne):
Evernote for Schools
Alex Osterwalder:
I'm so excited about the rough illustration sketches of the #vpcbook
Alex Osterwalder:
The INSANE work that goes into 1 visual #vpcbook spread/page
Alex Osterwalder:
The book wall: State of #vpcbook on Sun 30, 2014. Slowly advancing..
Alex Osterwalder:
Leaving beautiful #swiss alps & valleys direction Silicon Valley :-)
Alex Osterwalder:
Great venue. Great crowd. First #bmgen workshop 2014. Berlin
Alex Osterwalder:
Starting point for another full immersive week on #vpcbook
Alex Osterwalder:
From notebook sketch to keynote prototype in @Trello #vpcbook b4 @trishpapadakos + @thinksmith work on it
Alex Osterwalder:
Reconciling #bmgen #custdev and #leanstartup - APIs btw methods! #vpcbook